Ville de Marie Academy

Coed: Grades K-12

Member, National Catholic Honor Roll: 2018-2023

Ville de Marie Academy was founded in 1991 in Scottsdale, Arizona by a small group of devoted Catholic parents, wholly committed to the intellectual and moral formation of their children, striving to embrace Holy Mother Church’s call to the laity to play a vital role in the renewal of Catholic education in America.
Ville de Marie is a private, independent, Catholic academy, providing students in grades kindergarten thru twelfth grade with a truly outstanding education in the classical liberal arts in an environment that is conducive to the formation of the whole person. Loyal to the Magisterium of the Church, and grounded in the method and principles of St. Ignatius of Loyola, our purpose is to cultivate wisdom and virtue by nourishing the souls of our students on all that is true, beautiful, and good, so that, in Christ, the student is better able to attain the noble end for which he was created – to know, love, and glorify God, and to be with him in heaven for eternity.
Ville de Marie has the full support of the ordinary of the Diocese of Phoenix, Bishop Olmsted, and is formally recognized as a Catholic Independent school in the Diocese of Phoenix. We enjoy the privilege of attending Daily Mass and of having the Blessed Sacrament in our chapel on campus. Additionally, the Ville de Marie community annually makes the Act of Consecration to the Blessed Mother and consecrate the school to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Ville de Marie Academy’s purpose is to:
- Assist parents as they fulfill their vocation as the primary educators of their children.
- Promote, through example and instruction, the virtues of faith, hope, and charity exemplified by Our Lord, the Blessed Virgin Mary and the saints.
- Foster in our students a love of learning for its own sake, and to equip them with the tools of learning for a lifetime.
- Provide a classical education in the liberal arts enabling our graduates to think well, read critically, write cogently, and speak convincingly.
- Establish a Catholic community of learners in which modesty, courtesy, integrity and charity animate and guide the life of the school and students.
- Prepare our students for a life of active and faithful service to the Church and the world.
A Day in the Life of a Ville de Marie Student
I. 8:00 am: Holy Mass
III. Theology
IV. English
V. Angelus and Lunch Break
VI. History
VII. Latin
VIII. Science
IX. Choir/ Sacred Music
X. 3:15 pm: Afternoon Prayers and Dismissal