Saint Augustine School, Inc.

Coed: Grades K4-12
Saint Augustine School, Incorporated (SAS) chartered under the statues of the State of Wisconsin, is an independent and private traditional Roman Catholic School (Grades K4-12) for boys and girls located in Hartford, Wisconsin, minutes from the Basilica of Holy Hill, National Shrine of Mary, Help of Christians. SAS is not subject to the ties or limitations of political control. Saint Augustine School is an incorporation of dedicated families, who believing that all good things are of God, have joined together to provide the children of our Catholic community with an exceptional classical education that is founded on the truths of Sacred Scripture, Holy Tradition, and the defined doctrines of Holy Mother Church.
SAS recognizes its spiritual custodial duty of establishing an authentic Catholic environment within which the souls of its students, cooperating with Divine Assistance to secure their salvation, may grow in holiness and be preserved from the diabolical enticements of Satan. SAS strives to produce the “true Christian … the supernatural man who thinks and acts constantly and consistently in accordance with right reason illumined by the supernatural light of the example and teaching of Christ” (Pope Pius XI, Christian Education of Youth).
In its pursuit of excellence in Faith, Tradition, Discipline, and Scholarship the grade school utilizes many outstanding Catholic texts and educational materials to provide a basic education with a strong emphasis on phonics, reading, and traditional math along with encouraging a respect for the United States of America. The grade school curriculum provides the student with the necessary knowledge and skills needed for SAS’s college preparatory high school program. Small classes allow for individual attention in order to ascertain and meet each child’s specific needs. Parents, as the primary educators of the children, take an active role in the school.
The high school curriculum is a challenging traditional Catholic liberal arts curriculum that has been designed to prepare students for the rigors of undergraduate studies. Courses include lectures and seminar formats. The high school curriculum’s comprehensive course of study meets the requirements of all major universities, and students earn a college preparatory diploma. No Common Core.