Regina Coeli Academy

Coed: Grades PreK-8


Member, National Catholic Honor Roll: 2018-2023
It is the Mission of Regina Coeli Academy to create a unique, multi-age environment in which learning and practicing the truths of the Catholic faith are central to the development of each child. While providing for the primacy of faith development, the school promotes the intellectual growth of its students through its classical liberal arts program. In partnership with their families, students are challenged in a wholesome and academic environment preparing them to be effective citizens of this country and committed Catholic Christians in the world community of the third millennium.
The Declaration on Christian Education, Gravissimum Educationis, of the Second Vatican Council teaches that parents are the primary educators of their children. Pope John Paul II\’s reiterates this sentiment in his Apostolic Exhortation on the family, Familiaris Consortio, in which he states that “the right and duty of parents to give education is essential…it is original and primary with regard to the educational role of others…it is irreplaceable and inalienable and therefore incapable of being entirely delegated to others or usurped by others.” Recognizing these truths, Regina Coeli Academy aims to assist parents in the formation and education of their children. It does so by providing an atmosphere that fosters Christian spiritual, intellectual, moral and physical formation.
In order to live a life “for the greater glory of God,” man is called by Christ to go forth into the world and to become “the saving leaven of the human family” (Declaration on Christian Education). Called by God to bring peace, justice and truth into the society in which he lives, thus fashioning a world more in tune with the dignity of the human person, the Christian learner must be educated in excellence. The study of that which is excellent in human attainments will bear witness to truth, and thus to God. Authentic classical education, or liberal education, informs students with the most excellent intellectual accomplishments in the order of nature – the liberal arts, sciences, and fine arts – and thus disposes them to the crowning intellectual accomplishments of those steeped in grace, sacred doctrine.
In keeping with the theology and philosophy that is the intellectual heritage of every Christian, Regina Coeli Academy seeks to carry on the living tradition of Catholic classical education. Grounded in the seven liberal arts of the Trivium and Quadrivium, the Academy gives students the tools to live a full life, gaining knowledge on their own. These tools include the ability to reason from premise to conclusion, to distinguish, to articulate and to persuade. These educational methods, which have produced outstanding men and women who have fashioned our world in the first and second Christian millennia, will continue to form young people who are capable of excellence and leadership in all arenas of life, fully armed to meet the challenges of the third millennium.