Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Academy

Coed: Grades Pre-K-12


2009 Hillsdale College Salvatori Award
Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Academy sees each student as a precious gift from God whose eternal goal is Heaven. We direct all of our actions to the greater glory of God and to training our students to recognize and follow His will in a superior academic environment. We profess our faith in the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. We seek to preserve and pass on Her immutable truths in loyalty and devotion to the Holy See. A traditional and thorough catechesis in the Faith cultivates a love for Jesus Christ and His Church, while inspiring a desire to follow His commands in service to others. We believe that parents are the primary educators of their children whose right and duty to educate cannot be replaced, delegated or usurped. The school is the extension of this Gospel witness in the home. We believe academic excellence, based on a traditional classical education, produces individuals who are equipped to preserve their intellectual independence through knowledge of objective truth, sound reasoning, clarity of thought and thorough character formation. We believe our teachers have a great responsibility and privilege to teach each student by example and to foster a love of learning through daily interaction with students in a well – disciplined and nurturing environment. We place this apostolate in the loving hands of Our Lord and His most blessed Mother, under the title, Our Lady of the Sacred Heart. We earnestly pray that the Holy Spirit will guide this endeavor as we seek “to restore all things in Christ.”The mission of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Academy is to direct our students to discover their true vocations – to serve God and His Church in this life and to prepare for eternal life. Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Academy is dedicated to this goal in the following ways:
- By forming the will of the student to a conscious and deliberate decision to seek the will of God and do it.
- By forming the intellect, pursuing excellence from the very beginning of the disciplines of a classical education.
- By forming the character through the daily practice of the virtues and rooting the personality in daily prayers and the frequent reception of the sacraments.
We teach by precept and example, confident that the tested methods of traditional education and the sure teaching of the Magisterium will give children the training they need to serve God and inspire in them the desire to do so.