Noonan Elementary Academy

Coed: Grades PreK-8
Noonan Elementary Academy is a private independent school, with a Catholic curriculum, operated by lay Catholics who are loyal to the Pope and adhere to the Church’s doctrinal content as taught in the new Catechism.
The Academy addresses the spiritual, educational and social needs of children because it believes that all education should lead to and culminate in, the knowledge and love of God.
The school’s mission is to support parents by providing their children with challenging academics, forming strong moral characters and promoting vibrant spiritual lives.
Noonan Elementary Academy strives TO TEACH, TO EDUCATE AND TO FORM each student. The teachers are committed to contributing to each child’s intellectual and Christian maturity. A student’s heart and aesthetic faculties need to be educated, with a love for authentic values, with a sense of what is good, right, noble, just and beautiful. Every subject must contribute to this enrichment of the person in addition to the retention of facts and figures. Noonan Elementary Academy’s education goes beyond knowledge to the admiration of what is true, good and beautiful. It is also essential that truths and values be put into action. To reach maturity the student must have sufficient self-mastery to form character. The student will acquire a sense of responsibility, the ability to give oneself to others in service, integrity in word and deed, and perseverance in difficult tasks.
TO TEACH: Teachers impart truth; the students study, analyze, and build upon those truths. The Academy believes that truth is the foundation of knowledge from which all other learning flows.
TO EDUCATE: Also essential is the education of the heart and imagination. The Academy helps students form their personal view of the world, of nature and of man in harmony with the finest of human and spiritual values. In creating lovely objects, through listening to music, and by reading fine books, students are led to appreciate the beautiful, the noble, and the just.
TO FORM: From parent to student and from teacher to student, the love for human values is passed through example. Constant concern for justice, fidelity to one’s word, good manners and moderation in speech, and personal responsibility for one’s actions are the goals of formation of character, where the human person stands at the center of our endeavor.