Mount Royal Academy

Coed: Grades PreK-12


Mount Royal recognizes each student’s dignity as a child of God, uniquely created with their own strengths, weaknesses and “calling”. Our curriculum is classical in that we appreciate the developmental stages of our students and use that understanding when making important curriculum decisions. In the elementary years the focus is on developing a strong foundation in phonics, reading comprehension, writing, spelling, penmanship, grammar, composition, math concepts and math facts. We believe it is important for our students to learn about our world through religion, science and history and have a strong foundation in the arts. In the High School students study in this “classical” approach by reading challenging “Great Books” analyzing the authors’ worldviews and the books’ themes and supporting details; evaluating their transcendent truths, measuring them in light of errors, comparing them with Natural Law, the Church’s teachings and Scripture; and relating these truths to the students’ real life experiences. This in-depth study, illuminated by our Catholic faith, makes Mount Royal’s academics unique in many ways. The high school offers college-preparatory math, science, literature, history and Latin; as well as, theology, art, choir, and physical education. Mount Royal Academy’s Catholic faith is central in our educational philosophy. As stated in our mission we are called to inspire students to grow in their knowledge of and love for God, which will enable them to love and serve those around them. To accomplish this mission we look to Jesus Christ, our Redeemer, as both our model and our means. We also acknowledge the vital witness of our parents, teachers, administrators, board of trustees, and priests as they reveal the Christian message, not only by word, but also by their example. We understand that the teaching of our Catholic faith is not limited to religious instruction in the classroom or during liturgical celebrations throughout the year but through modeling Christianity as a comprehensive way of life. It should animate our attitudes and be integrated into all our activities as we strive to create an environment in which students’ faith and virtue will gradually mature. * Adapted from The Holy See’s Teaching on Catholic Schools by Archbishop J. Michael Miller, CSB
Mount Royal Academy was founded by a group of lay parents who courageously answered the God given duty to educate and form their children. As a result, MRA became the first lay-founded and operated school in the diocese of Manchester to be officially recognized by the bishop. The mission of MRA is strongly linked to its origins. The Church, guided by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, teaches that parents are the primary educators of their children. Therefore, the faculty and administration of Mount Royal Academy are called to support parents as primary educators, not replace them. All full-time faculty members recite and sign an oath of fidelity to the Magisterium of the Catholic Church at the opening school Mass to mark the beginning of every academic year.
Mount Royal Academy is a private Catholic school nestled in the hills of New Hampshire’s Dartmouth – Lake Sunapee Region. Since 1994 the faculty, families and friends of Mount Royal have striven to provide not only a quality education to the children of our community, but most importantly a formation in Christian faith and morals. What began as an elementary school, grades Kindergarten through 8th, has grown to include a preschool with three and four year old programs and a liberal arts college preparatory High School. Mount Royal Academy is thankful to be the first lay-founded independent school to receive Catholic School recognition from the Bishop of Manchester, NH.
At MRA we understand that the student is not one-dimensional but is a complex harmony of body, soul, intellect, will, and emotions. These faculties must each be formed both inside and outside the classroom. Inside the classroom, teachers use a systematic approach in all subject areas that builds upon information and skills students have already mastered. Students are encouraged to develop the skills of discernment, freedom, and wonder in order to make good choices in regards to personal, academic, and family life. We pride ourselves in striving to offer the best education and Christian formation that a school can offer.