Holy Spirit Academy

Coed: Grades 9-12


Our Mission:
“Holy Spirit Academy is a private high school in the Catholic intellectual tradition offering an integrated academic program. The school’s Christ-centered approach to education fosters an environment grounded in the Truth, which prepares students for a life at the service of others. Through the action of the Holy Spirit and with the intercession of Archbishop Fulton Sheen, the academy strives to help students realize their God given purpose, instilling in them confidence to enrich the current culture.”
Holy Spirit Academy is:
-Tuition rate for 2019-20 is $7,340 (Board approved 10/2018), significantly lower than most private Catholic high schools in the Minneapolis/St. Paul Metro Area.
-Nearly 60% of families were awarded financial aid for the 2018-2019 school year.
-We offer both need-based and merit-based scholarships.
-Students participate in daily communal prayer, attend Holy Mass weekly, and have regular access to the Sacrament of Confession.
-We follow a Liberal Arts curriculum rooted in the Classics (e.g. Homer, Euclid, Herodotus, Aquinas, Dante, Shakespeare, Chesterton, and others) in the Catholic intellectual tradition.
-All faculty and staff take an Oath of Fidelity to the Magisterium of the Church.
-We are located on the campus of St. Henry Catholic Church in Monticello, a northwestern suburb of the Minneapolis/St. Paul Metro Area.
-We draw students from towns and schools as far west as Annandale, and as far east as Maple Grove. -We have several families who utilize car pools to coordinate travel to and from the school and extracurricular events.
The Venerable Fulton J. Sheen: Patron of Holy Spirit Academy
Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen exemplified a life that is studious, prayerful, and devoted to preaching the Truth to the modern world. His humble Midwestern beginnings encourage students to be confident that sainthood can be achieved by anyone. Bishop Sheen’s dedication to a relationship with the Lord and commitment to authentic, classical, Christ-centered education exemplify the mission of Holy Spirit Academy.
At Holy Spirit Academy we attempt to embody the words of Archbishop Sheen regarding the task of education: “The Christ-mind, looking at the field of education, insists not only on training for the intellect but also demands training of the will. It adds to the purely worldly end of educating (training for citizenship and service) the Divine goal (training for Christ’s sake and for the salvation of souls).”
Testimonies from our students:
“When asked by many people if I like my high school, to be able to answer with a laughing heart and an honest smile that, “No, I do not like my school, I LOVE my school!” is something I have come to appreciate more and more as my time continues at Holy Spirit Academy.” ~ HSA Student
“I really enjoy Humanities where we learn both history and literature through great books.” ~ HSA Student
“Latin has really helped me learn the roots of the English language.” ~ HSA Student
“The school isn’t solely devoted to memorization but rather life skills that we can use in everyday life. The environment of the school is great because everyone knows each other and the teachers actually care about our opinions.” ~ HSA Student