Holy Family Academy

Coed: Grades 7-12


Member, National Catholic Honor Roll: 2018-2023
Holy Family Academy is a private Catholic school teaching in the classical tradition. Holy Family Academy is established with the intention of providing true liberty for parents in the choice of a school to aid them in the education of their children in grades 7-12. It provides:
– An education from an orthodox Catholic perspective
– A classical liberal arts education that focuses on excellence and mastery
– A study of original source materials
– Use of the Socratic method (especially in the high school)
– A study of the Catholic Faith free of dissent
– Small class size
– Prayer that permeates the entire life of the academy
– An atmosphere that fosters discipline and respectful obedience to proper authority
– An expectation that faculty and students will conduct themselves at all times as proper ladies and gentlemen.
The environment and the curriculum of Holy Family Academy is designed to insure the proper formation and education of the human person in light of his ultimate goal which is a life lived to the greater glory of God and eternal life lived with God in Heaven. Called by God to bring peace, justice, and truth into the society in which he lives, thus fashioning a world more in tune with the dignity of the human person, the Christian graduate must be educated in excellence.
Authentic classical education informs students with the most excellent intellectual accomplishments in the order of nature (i.e. the liberal arts and sciences, the fine arts) and in the order of grace (sacred doctrine/theology). Grounded in the seven liberal arts (the trivium and the quadrivium), Holy Familiy Academy teaches its students how to think like the great men and women who produced our civilization.
Education must not simply impart knowledge of the various disciplines, but should give students tools whereby they can gain knowledge on their own. These tools will include the ability to: reason, distinguish, express themselves well, and persuade.
Members of the Board of Trustees and all faculty and staff take an Oath of Fidelity to the Magisterium and sign a Profession of Faith to the Roman Catholic Church.