Divine Mercy Academy

Co-ed: Grades PreK-8
Jesus Christ is the foundation, goal, and uniting thread of all that we do and teach at Divine Mercy Academy.
Divine Mercy Academy is a Catholic, classical, liberal arts education that equips students to freely pursue truth, beauty, and goodness. The classical model educates the whole person and is rooted in the transcendent God. The growing renewal is not about adopting a new “model” or “program”; it is about infusing a Catholic vision of reality, which is both visible and invisible. It is about raising students who have eyes to see and ears to hear the presence of the Creator in the truth, goodness, and beauty in the world around them. It is an education for joyful hope.
Divine Mercy Academy seeks to affirm every young man and woman in the inherent dignity of their masculinity and femininity, point them to the divine mysteries of faith embodied in the sexual distinction, and call them to the virtue that is fitting of so great a dignity in Christ.