Aquinas Classical Academy

Co-ed: Grades 9-12

Aquinas Classical Academy is an independent high school, obedient to the Magisterium of the Catholic Church. Under the patronage of Our Lady Seat of Wisdom and St. Thomas Aquinas, the Academy provides an integrated, classical, liberal arts curriculum to form students in faith, reason, and virtue. Its program of study is ordered toward teaching students how to learn and seek truth, so that they become better able to succeed in any path of life, cultivate a well-ordered, joyful society and ultimately, find eternal happiness with God.
Aquinas Classical Academy is a 9th-12th grade liberal arts school founded in 2018 to aid parents in their primary responsibility to educate their children:
“As those first responsible for the education of their children, parents have the right to choose a school for them which corresponds to their own convictions. This right is fundamental. As far as possible parents have the duty of choosing a school that will best help them in their task as Christian educators.” CCC 2229.
We humbly adopt the classical pedagogy, a tried and true, time-tested model of education that frees man. This liberal education is an education for man as man, a human education. It caters to man’s nature as a rational animal, serving his various stages of development: the grammatical, the dialectical, and the rhetorical. Classical education exposes students to the true, the good, and the beautiful. These form their imaginations and their consciences, so students can abstract the truth and act upon that knowledge with virtue. All this takes place under the light of faith and is ordered to contemplating the Divine. Ex Sede Sapientiae (From the Seat of Wisdom), we pursue fides (faith), ratio (reason), and virtus (virtue). Graduates of Aquinas Classical Academy are prepared to enter the best colleges in the country and have a foundation for any direction they take in life.