Academy of St. Louis

Coed: Grades K-12
The Academy of St. Louis is an elementary and high school offering an
alternative environment for students with learning disabilities.
Quality Education
The Academy aids each student in achieving their greatest potential in life by providing personal tools for success during their academic years. Individualized curriculum creates an optimal learning environment for our students. The Academy will provide a safe, nurturing environment enabling your special child to grow academically, socially and emotionally.
The Academy of St. Louis serves students grades K-12. Our students have varied levels of aptitude in different academic areas. We specialize in educating students with Aspergers Syndrome (Autism spectrum), ADHD, speech/ language delays, and other cognitive learning disabilities.
We fill the gap for students who do not fit the mold of other special education schools or classrooms. We believe our students are served best in a small, consistent, social and learning environment. Academy classrooms have a student to teacher ratio of 7:2. Students are placed in classrooms that fit their cognitive abilities not their grade level. The majority of our students will transition into sheltered workshops, gain employment or volunteer opportunities. Some may complete Certificate of Completion at area Junior Colleges.
Transforming lives together
At the Academy of St. Louis we believe each child is a unique gift from God.The Academy has changed the lives of many students whose parents never dreamt their child could be accepted and understood at school. At the Academy, you and your child will become a member of our supportive, loving community.
Mission Statement
The Academy of St. Louis assists K-12th grade students with cognitive learning disabilities. The Academy of St. Louis provides each student with a safe and nurturing environment, individualized and challenging curriculum, social integration skills and faith formation. The Academy of St. Louis aids each student in reaching their highest potential providing them with the confidence and knowledge to succeed in life.
Vision Statement
The Academy of St. Louis provides a personalized and challenging academic curriculum, helping our students successfully transition from the Academy either by continuing their education at the post secondary level, enter a trade school, gain employment or participate in volunteer opportunities. After attaining specific goals, some students may transition back to other general educational settings. The Academy strengthens each student’s ability to communicate and develop social etiquette aiding in their success to form relationships. The Academy provides opportunities for our students to serve others in their community instilling within them the values of giving of themselves to others. The Academy helps form the hearts and souls of our students by providing knowledge of the Catholic faith and the values and character displayed by Christ’s life on earth.