7th-8th Grade Teacher

Website KolbeTrinity24 Kolbe Academy & Trinity Prep
Kolbe-Trinity School
Kolbe-Trinity, a Catholic school under the jurisdiction of the Diocese of Santa Rosa for families with children in grades TK through 12 in Napa, California, is seeking a full-time teacher for a combined Grade 7/8 grade classroom. Kolbe-Trinity fosters a “culture of intellect” that nurtures students spiritually, morally, intellectually, and civically, doing all for the Greater Glory of God.
Qualified applicants must possess a bachelor’s degree in a relevant subject as well as teaching experience and/or demonstrated competence in related subjects. Teaching experience, particularly in a Catholic and classical school environment, is highly desirable. Preference will be given to those who have demonstrated an ability to work in multi-grade classroom settings and/or have extensive teaching experience in Catholic classical schools. Preference will also be given to those who have advanced coursework (e.g., a Masters degree).
The teacher will be responsible for all facets of the class’ education and record-keeping, as well as additional duties as required. These include, but are not limited to, out-of-class time for curriculum development/course planning, sponsoring/monitoring student activities, yard duty, etc.
All faculty and staff are required to pledge their fidelity to the teaching Magisterium of the Catholic Church, including to the Bishop of the Diocese of Santa Rosa.
Please send a cover and resume to:
Phillip Duncan