Our Mission
The mission of the National Association of Private Catholic and Independent Schools (NAPCIS) is the solidarity, strength and security of independent schools teaching the Catholic Faith. NAPCIS seeks to assist in providing for the spiritual and academic growth of Catholic school children, all directed to the greater honor and glory of God and in service of His Church on Earth. We fulfill this purpose through consistent and intelligent adherence to the Magisterium of the Catholic Church and from the implementation of reasonable and demonstrated practices of education.
What is NAPCIS?
- an accreditation association
- a resource agency to assist in the start-up of small schools
- a service agency to assist administrators and teachers in the application of Catholic teaching and sound academic principles
Why was NAPCIS formed?
NAPCIS was formed:
- to provide accreditation for independent schools teaching the Catholic Faith;
- to promote and assist in the start-up of new Catholic independent schools;
- to assist administrators and teachers in Catholic independent schools in applying Roman Catholic teachings and sound academic principles; and
- to assist in the guarantee of the right of parents to choose an education for their children in accordance with their religious faith.
On July 13, 1995, representatives of four private Catholic and independent schools (represented on our logo) met at Sweetwater Retreat Center, Guerneville, CA. The schools in attendance were: Kolbe Academy, Napa, California, Manresa Academy, Reno, Nevada, St. Maria Goretti Academy, Sacamento, California, and Thomas Aquinas School, Tahoe City, California. Based on the experience of the member schools present, they determined the necessity of establishing a national organization to preserve and promote Catholic education founded in obedience to the Pope and Magisterium.
Who governs NAPCIS?
NAPCIS is governed by a Board of Trustees
Greg Dolan, Executive Director
Dan Guernsey, Ed.D., Ave Maria University
Joseph Norton, Holy Angels Academy
Mary Rowles, Kolbe Academy
The four interlocking anchors represent the four charter members of NAPCIS, symbolizing strength, unity, common purpose, and a mission to evangelize.
The word “Catholic” appears in the name of the organization only to reflect the fact that some member schools have received the consent of the competent ecclesiastical authority in their diocese to bear the title Catholic School in accordance with c.803.3. NAPCIS claims no authority to determine if a member school may bear this title, nor does membership in NAPCIS permit a school to call itself Catholic.