Holy Family Academy

Coed: Grades K-8
Holy Family Academy is a private, non-profit school offering an outstanding Catholic-classical education from kindergarten thru eighth grade in a wholesome atmosphere committed to spiritual, academic, and personal excellence. Spiritual formation includes daily prayer, weekly Mass, and Rosary. In addition to the core subjects, academic courses feature intensive phonics, grammar and composition, Latin, the classics of literature, art, and music. With enviable teacher to student ratios, Holy Family Academy offers an optimal learning environment.
The purpose of Holy Family Academy is to provide outstanding academic education and religious instruction in the Catholic faith in an atmosphere that encourages responsibility, traditional values, and high moral standards by:
- Offering a classical, Catholic, and liberal elementary education;
- Participating in the faith and liturgical life of the Catholic Church; and
- Enriching the community through Christian service.
The mission of Holy Family Academy is lived out in fidelity to the Vicar of Christ, the Bishop of Rome, and all bishops in communion with him, especially our local ordinary, the Archbishop of Portland in Oregon.
The guiding principals of Holy Family Academy are found in the deposit of Christian faith and morals contained in Scripture and Tradition, handed down by the Church.
The academic formation aims at developing critical thinking and reasoning skills within a core curriculum. Subjects include phonics and grammar, Latin, the classics of literature, art, and music, as well as history, math, and science.
Deriving its inspiration from the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, the school strives to instill the Christian value of holiness, respects the inherent dignity of the person, and communicates the necessity of the family as the basic unit of a good society. These values of holiness, dignity, and family form the foundation on which children grow spiritually, emotionally, and physically as followers of Jesus Christ.
Spiritual formation is an integral part of student life. Holy Family Academy sees the celebration of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass as the center of its life and mission. Among the spiritual exercises practiced are recitation of the Rosary, prayer devotions, and participation in the liturgical seasons and the annual cycle of Saints.
As the fruit of its education, Holy Family Academy provides opportunities for students to be involved in Christian service through school activities. Student participation is also encouraged in their Parishes, Catholic organizations, and community.